Thursday, October 27, 2005


Think Small

This is a summary of the where the technology, as well as printing, is heading along nowadays.

For example, lap tops are really outselling desktops in some parts of the world. With the many modern models competing, no wonder many can afford them already.

Zip drives are quickly forgotten when Palm Pilot made its grand entry. Makes one wonder how anyone could afford them and prefer them over zip drives, anyway.

CDs and CD writers are replacing floppies. They are now very common. Seems that it is very uncommon to see people using floppy disks because they do not seem to do that much.

People are purchasing slim line computers and LCD flat screen monitors now, along with the tiniest of desks to have more space where they can move around.

Ok, so if everyone is after practicality. And if it means having to have miniscule equipments, then why not? If you think about the money you will be shedding and there is not much difference, better go for the smaller ones.

Better be practical and have more space than being practical but trapped in the jam of things.


Wanna be rich and famous? Send out a press release!

Seems press releases have magically taken on a reputation as a major source of the much needed publicity. You see them everywhere. Asking extreme questions that always end with; send a press release.

Publicity people have taken over the internet and saying that press releases are the answer to all marketing needs. The steps needed? Knock out a release, email it to journalists, sit back and wait for talk show hosts to call you for an interview.

As if! These are all nothing but a myth. The product of the imagination. Blame it to Hollywood and others.

The reality? If you do not have a story to tell, your press release is worthless. Getting a press release for something not worth it is like you recording a song when you cannot even sing a note.

Then there is the readers to consider to. The problem with them is that they bite easily onto something. Too easily and quickly. Haven’t they learned anything yet from past experiences? Or are press releases too juicy to let pass. Besides, they are the “in” thing and “in” things should not be ignored.

Monday, October 24, 2005


Corel and Sony to release video production tools together

With the tandem of Corel and Sony in this article , expect some unexpected things to happen. This is me, but I am sure many others are feeling the same way. Sony loyal included.

The fact that many consumers are always looking for something new that can keep up with their need to have easy access to making photos and videos is the prime consideration in of these two software company.

The creation of the new software than is capable of creating and editing pictures and videos without needing to have experience and learning about how to use these new tools is yet to make its mark in the printing world.

With this new software also, expect more new “artists” and “directors” to start emerging out of the blue. When before there was already a numerous amount of them suddenly becoming great artists overnight just by using some printing technologies, what more can this new creation bring?

My thoughts: Printing taken another notch higher.

My advice: Get hold of one of your own software. You never know what you would be capable because of it.

Decorating Frugally

In Rachel Paul's article, she mentioned some really helpful tips on decorating that I haven’t thought could be done to look a certain design. Having read the techniques makes me now a cynic if ever I come near a great design.

What I actually mean is that sometimes we encounter great designs that seem so good, it confuses many people how it ever got conceived and done in the first place. With the tools and equipments that people are using nowadays, seems everything is possible.

Not being dependent on technology is hard to do. But then when creativity sets in, there are actually some other means of creativity and simple ways of making designs too. Nothing like using nature to make some good old natural designs.

Back to the cynic thing I mentioned about. Next time I chance a great design, I would be cynical about the way it was made. I will start thinking that maybe something simple made that elegant.

Or I can also compare it with those naturally and cheaply made that were looking far more superior than what they call art nowadays.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Myths are nothing more than myths

For those who have been wanting to get some ideas online about branding, I am sure they have encountered many “gurus” who simply have many things to say regarding how to brand yourself and your business.

However, much of what is written, and advised, are not simply true. Over the years, many things that are said about branding have already become myths. These things seem to have taken hold of the printing, and online world, and have spread like wildfire already.

One fact people do not know about, or have not put much attention on, is that these myths are actually causing more harm than good. And to think, you thought they were great advises and all you did was to follow, word for word.

One believable, and false yet famous, myth is that there must be a logo in order to be remembered. If you look at great companies that have survived many years, and still existing, they do not actually have “logo”. How come people know them? Take Marlboro as an example. They only used a specialized font with the product name and are quite famous then and now.

Logos are not bad. They are also not mandatory. A myth.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Munching on a page

Not much has been said about how the process works. All that is been given is that print heads will be modified to write in vegetable juices, paving the way for colorful inks. Edible ones too.

Laser is being developed to cook steak, whether medium rare or raw. Bread is also next in line to be put under laser beam baking.

Print ads have always served as something that tickles the palette of someone who sees them. Nothing like a good colorful and looking-like-the-real thing picture of a delicacy to make one go into instant craving.

The one person who has thought of making every readers dream into reality plans on making it possible for people to just tear a page of magazine and have a taste of the food being advertised there. Impossible you may think? May be impossible in the near future.

In this technology and age, nothing seems impossible to do anymore. Anything that has not been thought before have become trends and fashion already. Then what about eating an edible and otherwise delicious page?

Why not?

The newspaper business may be in danger

This is not saying that they are not bringing in money anymore. They are still making a lot of them. The trouble is, investors are not seeing a bright future ahead of newspaper printing.

In coming to terms with the digital world, the printers of these publications are trying their best to digitize their newspapers and getting them into the internet, video and the newest one, podcasts. The many result of polling and surveys are not helping any either. Seems many American people are spending more time online, on the telephones, radio and games and punching the remote controls.

For all its conveniences that have proven over the years, newspapers simply have its drawbacks too. For once, you cannot read them while doing something else like driving. Someone still has to read them out instead of just listening to them or just glancing into it once in a while. It is no wonder why they may be getting out of the media industry in time if actions are not taken quickly.

There are lots of printing and media technology emerging already. If it offers more convenience, then why would people choose the old ways and styles when they can have the “in’” thing? I think this question should be considered first before wondering why.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Reading the news globally and in print

Kodak has once again marked its place as a trendsetting printing company still doing things that other companies have not thought about yet.

The latest in the printing industry is about the Expo 2005 that Kodak will be hosting. The highlight of the show is the presentation of newspapers from around the world, digitally printed and delivered to the show every morning. Just the way people want their newspapers delivered.

The full color newspapers printed in different languages is being digitally produced by the customers of Kodak.

With modern printing technology providing the benefits of remote printing, not all can cater to the need for color photos and advertising like what Kodak and its affiliates are capable of.

It is mighty time that this kind of technology be put out into the open market. Not all people come from the same roots. It is great to know that there might be a printing technology that can bring the happenings in the land of their origins no matter what part of the world they are in.

Labels not spared from being nature-friendly

Label producers may want to start being conscious of the fact that they are contributing to harming the environment by producing paper wastes as they go about printing their labels.

That does not stop the producers from producing labels that are their business and what they have come to be known for. The answer was to develop a system that claims to reduce paper wastes that is mainly due to the self-adhesive capacities of these labels.

Catchpoint backless labels are not at all compatible with printing equipments that the company used to be able to put it into a product. They need a tools especially designed for that purpose. If you think of the alternative of trying to explain every wastes produced, then acquiring the special tools would be a better option.

People need not worry about getting the same kind of color printing they get from companies like Full color printing company: commercial printing. These synthesized labels can still print out good colors in the labels.

Good color and friends with the environment is not rally something people see everyday.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Boots Digital Photo Printing

One-time mistake is all it takes

If you ask me, a mistake done once is considerable but if it done more than that,
then it is called negligence.
Having a printer that does an otherwise great job for such a low price is
not that easy to find these days. With prices on tools and equipments going up,
I think the quality will have to suffer to cope with piece hike.
I don’t blame the Londoner for having to lose the trust he has put into Boots especially
if it has been known to deliver the best service for a time. Be considerate though.
Maybe technical problems are being encountered that might have been the cause of
some mishaps the service is experiencing.
If it happened only once, why not give them another shot. Even the experts do not
always have to be perfect all the time. Good and bad experience can only help the
people and the companies improve more.
One more shot should do it. I don’t have any suggestions regarding
which printing company to use.
Just be considerate.