Think Small
This is a summary of the where the technology, as well as printing, is heading along nowadays.
For example, lap tops are really outselling desktops in some parts of the world. With the many modern models competing, no wonder many can afford them already.
Zip drives are quickly forgotten when Palm Pilot made its grand entry. Makes one wonder how anyone could afford them and prefer them over zip drives, anyway.
CDs and CD writers are replacing floppies. They are now very common. Seems that it is very uncommon to see people using floppy disks because they do not seem to do that much.
People are purchasing slim line computers and LCD flat screen monitors now, along with the tiniest of desks to have more space where they can move around.
Ok, so if everyone is after practicality. And if it means having to have miniscule equipments, then why not? If you think about the money you will be shedding and there is not much difference, better go for the smaller ones.
Better be practical and have more space than being practical but trapped in the jam of things.