Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Are you being read?

According to studies, the use of color in printed documents has resulted in increased readership and faster understanding.

On the same note, 78 percent of consumers are most likely to remember a message or advertisement printed in color than one that is done in black and white.

Reports, presentations, brochures, postcards or any other kind of printed material it is that you have, color can help you get read, heard and remembered.

No matter how profound or extreme the reason behind this psychology is, one fact remains. You get the attention you need in the first place. As long as it works, price is no longer a big deal.

At present, nothing can compare to the speed of in-house color printing. Just think of the alternative; delivery or pick-up time, job preparation, processing time and anxiety about whether the job will be ready when you need it. These things are reason enough for you to go out and buy a color printer of your own.

Besides, color printers are faster than ever and comes with high-quality settings. What more can one ask for?


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