Friday, February 03, 2006


Printers as your best partners

Digital presses today have very much improved their quality and are great for short runs variable data and large format small quantity jobs. Turnaround is the key and digital jobs usually can be done in days if not hours.

Offset presses are good for jobs of greater than 1000 to about 100,000 like brochures, fashion catalogues, price lists, letterheads, business cards, envelopes. These types of jobs usually take days or a week or two, depending on the intricacy of the job.

Web presses are great for large runs of magazines, newspaper flyers or large run business forms.

Suggestions by your printer should help your business grow. They should help in deciding paper stocks, colors, finishing and offer you different price options. New technology can save company's great amounts of time by offering e-commerce ordering and proofing systems.
The idea is for your printer to help you market your business so that you can become more successful. Penny pinching on costs can be short sighted. For true long term growth you have to work in partnership with your printer so that both of you benefit.
Have you got yourself a good partner?


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