Friday, September 09, 2005


Invasion of color lasers

This is not something new anymore. There was an article I read that says about laser printers that may be used by the police to track down law breakers.
That is,
law breakers that have somehow used the printer in the past.

Frightening. If these color lasers are used by not just one person,
which is where the problem will arise. Better you know it, you can become a suspect yourself, having used the printer on the same date and time, if indicated there also. It is frightening to think that every move you had made
is traced and one wrong coincidence could send you to jail for a crime you never even dreamed of doing.

Helpful. For the law enforcers. Adds to another of their
“crime busting” equipments. Especially for crimes that are somewhat related to having printed an illegal files and other documents that may also be described as illegal.

For U Printing: A Los Angeles Printing Company, this would serve a purpose more in favor to them.
Record and resource checking. There won’t be any problem anymore
about the consumption of materials. If the printer malfunctions all of a sudden, then check the last user and there goes your culprit.


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