Monday, August 29, 2005


To or not to digital presses

If you want to get away from the time consuming and more expensive usage of films, where are you going to turn to? Digital presses, of course. Cost-effective, shorter runs, variety of imaging are just some of the advantages of digital presses. For the graphic art lovers out there, these are sure fire way to attract a lot of customers to come cramming straight to them. Old customers, difficult prospects and new clients are what they will be getting if these benefits are waved in front of their eyes.

For those who may consider digital presses in their printing business, they would want to consider the fact that profitability does not come in an instant, or overnight for that matter. To be able to be successful in this field, you must know the market. Digital press is still new and clients must know first about them, its capabilities and what it can attain. To profit in the short run digital printing, more jobs should be brought in to keep the equipments busy.

With digital presses still something very new in the printing industry, even the owners do not know yet things about it. Why are they marketing something they do not know? Or more like, how do they market something they do not know?


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